Product WeatherPan — Soben International Ltd




WeatherPan® is a versatile external grade fibre cement faced lightweight concrete panel. It is an eco-friendly building panel endorsed by third party accreditation bodies for green building products. It does not contain any harmful substances. The panel is fire resistance and has durable performance in the presence of wet weather.

Being used over two decades with strong proven track records, WeatherPan® provides a fast track construction and cost saving in lieu of traditional masonry walls which require intensive labour for brick laying and wet trade plastering works. Its weight is only 1/5 to 1/7 of traditional 120mm masonry wall. It greatly reduces a building’s structure and foundation costs. Installation is fast and easy that shortens time of construction. No skilled craftsman nor special tools is needed for installation. An experienced labour can install 25 m2 panels per day which is 15 times quicker than masonry wall erection.

The WeatherPan® panel has sanded smooth surface. It is highly compatible with all plasters and paints.  Ceramic or marble finishes are well received on WeatherPan. It maintains excellent integrity and high impact resistance 1.5 times better than that of masonry wall. A 75mm thick panel wall provides the requried fire rating, acoustic performance, water tightness and physical strength of a 120mm block wall which in return increase usable area by minimum 5-10%. WeatherPan is a solid panel. Heavy wall hung furniture can be supported.

WeatherPan® comprises a 5mm thick WeatherPro®-L weather resistant fibre cement board at both faces and WeatherCore. The fibre cement complies a range of durability and aging tests in terms of EN 12467, AS/NZS 2908.2 and ASTM C 1185 for external grade fibre cement products. WeatherPro®-L is non-combustible and pursues national fire codes that include EN 13501-1: Euro Class A1, BS 476: Part 4, Australian BCA- Group 1 and fire approval of Japan building control authority. The WeatherCore is a lightweight concrete mix of portland cement, expanded polystyrene bead aggregates and admixture. The aggregates are safe for human. A 75mm panel wall is able to provide 120 minutes fire resistance in accordance with European, British and Australian Standards.

WeatherPan® is designed with a unique quick-lock panel joint system for easy assembly. This quick-lock tongue and groove device controls the panel wall assembly in line and provides fire stop function at the panel joints. Fire tests revealed, a 100mm thick panel satisfied 4 hours fire resistance. No fire could break through the panel joints at temperature 1200°C.  Exceptional dimensional stability and an unrivalled resistance to movement due to severe weather make WeatherPan® suitably installed at hot and humid environment. The panel is immune to insect and prevent fungal growth.

WeatherPan® is manufactured to Quality Management System Certification ISO 9001, Environmental Management System Certification ISO 14001Hong Kong Green Label as well as Singapore Green Label.



WeatherPan® is an eco-friendly lightweight fibre cement concrete panel used for wide applications at indoor and outdoor. 

The quality multi-function panel provides fire protection, weather and impact resistances whilst having good cost and performance. Typical applications are:  

  • Fence walls

  • Floor panels

  • Fire rated enclosures

  • Fire rated partitions

  • Roofing underlayer

  • Modular houses

  • Noise barriers at highway

  • Sound insulated walls

  • Impact resistant walls

  • Residential town houses and apartments

  • Tall walls at commercial buildings



WeatherPan is lightweight but strong and able to resist severe weather. Its high performance had been examined by extensive tests.

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See Weather Pan In Action

WeatherPan Weather resistant wall panels